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Microchipping for Pets

Permanent identification to ensure a happy reunion should your pet ever get lost.

Microchipping provides your pet with a permanent form of identification that's implanted under their skin. They are typically about the size of a rice grain and can be implanted during a routine visit. Though it's not possible to foresee when your pet could get lost, microchipping provides you with peace of mind, in case it ever happens.

How are microchips implanted?

Before a microchip is implanted, we scan it to ensure it matches the identification code from the package it will be registered with. They are inserted with a syringe or application gun, with a sterile microchip on one end of a needle. We either position a pet laying on their stomach or standing up to ensure it's accurately placed between their shoulder blades. We gently tug on the loose skin in this area, inserting the needle to place the microchip into the tissue. After the implantation, we also scan the microchip to ensure it's been inserted properly.

How do they keep a record of my contact information?

Microchips are typically associated with an identification number that you must register with a pet recovery database. Along with your pet's name, you should also provide up-to-date contact information. If you change your contact information or after the implantation process, it's important to update it with the database. This could hinder a veterinary office or shelter that finds your pet from contacting you if they're found.

Does implantation require anesthesia?

The implantation process doesn't require your pet to be under general anesthesia. Microchipping your pet typically takes a few moments, with the needle leaving your pet's body almost as quickly as it was inserted. It is a seamless, pain-free experience. Microchipping can be scheduled during a routine wellness appointment, with some pet owners opting to have the implantation coincide with other procedures like a spay or neuter. If you're interested in booking an appointment for your pet, please contact us at 416-745-4700.

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