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May 7th 1-3pm Staff Training Session  | May 10th 1-3pm Staff Training Session  |  May 18th 2pm Early Closure 

Senior Care for Pets

Ensuring your pet is comfortable as they enter their golden years.

As your pet ages, they become prone to more health complications. Your pet could need more frequent veterinary visits so our team can keep track of any sudden changes in their health. Early diagnosis of health issues can positively impact our ability to treat your pet. To book their next appointment, please contact us at  416-745-4700.

What are the first signs of aging?

Depending on your pet's age, breed and overall health, you could notice signs of aging at different stages. Most pets start showing signs of aging between 6-8 years old, with dogs being considered seniors at 7 years old and cats at 10 years old. Other signs of aging include:

  • Decreased mobility
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Accidents around the house
  • Grey or dull coat

What happens at my pet's senior wellness exam?

Senior pets need wellness exams specifically tailored to their needs. A lot of changes happen to your pet from adulthood to their golden years and we want to support them with the best quality care to ensure they maintain a high quality of life. We recommend visits at least twice a year for senior pets, with frequent visits if your pet has serious health issues. Our wellness exams include a thorough physical exam, diagnostic testing (including bloodwork, X-rays or ultrasounds), updating parasite prevention plan and ensuring your pet has their necessary vaccination. Though we have a lot on our agendas for these appointments, it's also important that you come with any questions you have about your pet's overall health. If you've observed any sudden changes or have questions about how to enhance your pet's quality of life, feel free to ask our veterinary team during the next appointment.

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