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Spaying and Neutering for Pets

The surgery to prevent unwanted litters can also have multiple health benefits!

Spay and neutering is a surgical procedure that ensures your pet is protected from unexpected pregnancy or serious health issues associated with their reproductive organs. Just like with every other surgical procedure, we make every effort to ensure your pet is safe and well taken care of. We take every precaution to provide your pet with the best surgical experience. 

What is spaying/neutering?

Spaying and neutering are similar procedures, differing based on your pet's reproductive organs. Spaying involves removing the reproductive organs of female cats or dogs, including their ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus. For male cats and dogs, neutering involves the removal of the testes. The procedure is irreversible so once it's complete, your pet will no longer be able to reproduce. The overpopulation of pets is a serious problem, particularly in shelters. Ensuring your pet doesn't have an unwanted litter of puppies or kittens decreases the amount of those who aren't adopted or cared for properly each year.

Does the procedure have risks?

With most surgical procedures, there are some risks. However, we try our best to mitigate them with extensive preparations. Our team is also highly skilled at dealing with a range of surgical procedures so your pet is in good hands on the operating table. Spaying and neutering are one of the most common surgeries our teams perform, which means we've successfully completed countless procedures for over 50 years. If you have questions about the procedures, please contact us at  416-745-4700.

What is laparoscopic spaying/neutering?

Our veterinary team performs laparoscopic procedures, using a laparoscope (a tube-like device with a camera on one end) to guide our surgical instruments through your pet's abdominal cavity to remove their reproductive organs. Though not every pet is a good fit for the keyhole procedure, some benefits include:

  • Smaller surgical wounds
  • Decreased recovery time
  • Reduced pain
  • Quicker return to exercise and regular activities
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