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Ultrasound and X-ray for Pets

Diagnostic imaging gives us a clear picture of your pet’s internal organs and structures.

Ultrasounds and X-rays provide us with vital information about your pet's internal organs. Prior to these technological advancements, the only way to know what was going on inside your pet's body was through a surgical procedure. With the help of these non-invasive diagnostic tools, we're able to make more accurate diagnoses of your pet's health issues.

What's the difference between an X-ray and an ultrasound?

Digital X-rays (radiographs) are used to view changes in bones and joints as well as to assess the health of internal organs such as the heart, liver, kidneys etc. They use electromagnetic radiation to capture visuals of your pet's internal systems. Ultrasounds use sound waves to generate images of various body parts, such as the heart, nervous and gastrointestinal systems.

Will my pet need anesthesia?

Typically, pets don't need to be under general anesthesia for the imaging technology to work. Most pets won't even need to be sedated unless we notice your pet is anxious or have a particularly difficult time keeping still. We're usually able to get most pets to relax once we've positioned them. If you have questions about our use of sedatives, please contact us at 416-745-4700.

Would my pet need to take both an X-ray and an ultrasound?

Depending on your pet's health issues or the area of the body we're trying to examine more closely, your pet could need either diagnostic tools or in some cases, both. For example, if your pet has accidentally swallowed a household item, we'll use an X-ray to locate it. If we need a closer look at the impact it's had on your pet's gastrointestinal system, we'll also recommend an ultrasound. Some benefits to using these diagnostic tools include:

  • Instantaneous images
  • Limited exposure to radiation
  • No anesthesia
  • Ability to easily share results for referrals
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